The ongoing drive for excellence is a top priority for any business, and it’s no secret that the ability to deliver high-quality services and products to customers and clients with consistency is one of the most effective strategies for trust, loyalty, and growth for any business. To achieve excellence, one must consider a diverse range of intricate factors but at the heart of it all, being able to provide positive experiences, interactions, and peace of mind to the people and organisations that engage with your business plays a major role.

With Magium forming part of the wider PureNet group, it should come as no surprise that our own business practises are no exception. We want the ability to give every company we work with the utmost confidence that we can to not only help achieve their goals and expectations, but also that we can exceed them. That’s why we’ve worked tirelessly towards attaining ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 accreditation for not only Magium but for the entire PureNet group, which we can now proudly announce that we’ve achieved.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a stringent data protection standard which is jointly published by the International Organisation for Standardisation and the International Electrotechnical Commission. It not only specifies standards and requirements but also advises on additional best practice for the handling of information security management systems (ISMS). ISO 27001 is the leading international standard focused primarily on information security. Built around a framework which enables organisations to effectively protect information of the business as well as their customers/clients in a systematic manner, it is all done through an ISMS.

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the three ISMS security objectives which are achieved through a standardised set of rules that an organisation must follow in order to attain and maintain ISO 27001 certification. These rules include:

  • Identifying stakeholder expectations of the business’ information security
  • Identifying risks for the information
  • Defining preventative methods and controls for meeting expectations and handling risks
  • Setting clear information security objectives
  • Implementation of the controls and risk mitigation methods
  • Continuous measurement of the performance of the controls, as well as continuous improvement of the ISMS

There are many specific requirements and clauses to follow in order to obtain ISO 27001 certification. The entire certification process is quite a complex and lengthy journey, making it a very difficult yet worthwhile ISO certification to achieve.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is the international standard which provides definitive requirements for a quality management system (QMS). A quality management system is a designated system which rigorously documents every process, procedure, and responsibility for achieving policies and objectives. This extensive certification serves as proof that the ISO 9001 accredited company has created, implemented, and maintained a QMS based on each of the seven quality management principles, as outlined in the standard:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership importance of top management
  • Engagement of people
  • The process approach
  • Improvement
  • Evidence-based decision making
  • Relationship management

Certification is a lengthy process following the creation of the QMS in addition to the internal and external audits. Certification is only achieved after passing stage two of the external audit.

Benefits which our ISO accreditations can provide for your business

Following the momentous amount of intricate work we’ve put into achieving the pinnacle of excellence that is both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification, it’s safe to say that we’re incredibly excited to have received both of these impressive accolades. These ISO accreditations are a notorious difficulty to achieve, and we feel they are both well worth the challenge as they allow us to provide peace of mind to our current and future clients. Ensuring our clients that we are dedicated to following the ultimate in best practises of information security and that their information will remain securely protected is something we’re extensively proud to achieve.

PureNet’s (and in turn Magium’s) hard-earned ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 accreditations provide a wealth of benefits both in the way we operate, and to the businesses we work with:

  • Assurance of the quality of security of your information

ISO 27001 certification is a key indicator that you’re working with an organisation who holds your protection as a top priority. A rigid framework has been put in place in order to achieve and maintain ISO 27001 accreditation. This framework is constantly subjected to rigorous quality checks. This means you can be confident in the accredited organisation’s abilities to always keep your information secure.

  • Knowledge that you’re working with a business that complies with business, legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements

Compliance with various legal requirements is absolutely vital when it comes to information security. When considering working with an ISO 27001 certified business, you can rest assured that the prospective organisation has taken the adequate and proportionate security measures and have set controls in place which are designed to keep your information secure. All whilst remaining in line with the ever-evolving and strict regulatory requirements surrounding information security. These stringent requirements include legislations such as GDPR and NIS regulations.

  • Taking advantage of working with an organisation with improved structure and focus

Every ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified organisation has worked diligently to dedicate a considerable amount of time and effort into creating efficient yet effective systems which include clear responsibilities and processes. Having these systems in place enable the organisation to provide a more efficiently structure operation when it comes to managing information security risks. This in turn results in increased productivity with no duplication of effort thanks to clearly laid out responsibilities, enhanced decision-making, and reduced costs.

  • Ensuring your information is significantly less impervious to cyber attacks

Cybercrime is a menace which still exists in the digital world, and its insidious pervasiveness continues to grow. Without proper protection, control and mitigation processes firmly in place, your information is at risk. With an ISO 27001 certified organisation such as Magium however, data and information processing boasts a substantial level of protection against cyber-attacks. ISO 27001 certification means data receives higher levels of protection with regular and consistent quality checks.

Put your trust in us

Achieving ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 accreditation is a huge feat for us here at Magium as well as the whole PureNet family. We’ve worked tirelessly to attain our certification in both of these stringent standards. We are incredibly proud to be able to offer our current and future clients not only the confidence that we provide an outstanding level of excellent service in every project that we undertake, but also that we can assure total and complete protection for the information and data we handle.

Are you interested in seeing what we can do for your business? Get in touch with us today.